About St. Paul's

My Dear Friends in Christ, I am so thankful for the faithful ways in which each of you have toiled and flexed over the last two years to make sure that the ministries of worship, community, and outreach have continued in the face of ever-changing challenge and opportunity. Much has been demanded of each of our church families. I fully acknowledge the difficulties each of you has muscled through, and remain so fiercely proud of the excellent efforts, creativity, and courage borne out in each of your ministries in this time.

Mandatory masks are not required for our public worship. Although many, including clergy, may still feel more comfortable in wearing a mask in confined public spaces for the foreseeable future. This is the prerogative of each individual, and one that is to be respected. Everyone is welcome and invited to participate in whatever way they feel most safe. Communion will resume in both kinds, along with the use of the common cup. Anglican theology is that full communion is received in either one or both kinds.

Therefore, those who wish to have communion in one kind only may continue to do so. All are welcome, though none should feel obligated. My friends, while we continue to do and be about the work of being the Church (albeit differently), here are some important announcements.

  1. We will continue to Livestream the service on our Facebook page (link can be found at the bottom of this page). Please share this page by directly inviting anyone you feel might benefit from connection, updates, and worship. 
  2. Pastoral care is continuing, no matter what. You can ask to receive care from us in any need you have, and we will respond in the best way we can.
  3. Take care of yourselves and each other. We believe that God is love, and that all of creation and life itself is a reflection and expression of that love. We believe that the same incredible and unconditional love has been best expressed through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We believe that God's love and presence are the source of healing, wholeness, forgiveness, peace and joy. We believe that it's important to gather in community to try to understand and be enriched by the ongoing story of God's love, and to try to find our part in both receiving and sharing it lovingly with all people.

We believe

We believe that God is love, and that all of creation and life itself is a reflection and expression of that love. We believe that the same incredible and unconditional love has been best expressed through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We believe that God's love and presence are the source of healing, wholeness, forgiveness, peace and joy. We believe that it's important to gather in community to try to understand and be enriched by the ongoing story of God's love, and to try to find our part in both receiving and sharing it lovingly with all people.

We welcome

We strive to be welcoming of all people, regardless of creed, race, gender or sexual orientation.

We welcome families and children..

We welcome you, whether you are a person of firm faith or a person who has questions and doubts.

We welcome you in the name of Jesus Christ and invite you to join us for worship.